Paedriatic dentistry


What is a Paediatric Dentist?

Paediatric dentistry is the dental specialty, for infants, children, adolescents, patients with special needs. A paediatric dentist has taken specialized classes and additional training in order to provide the best treatment for children’s in a stress free and relaxed way.

What Does a Paediatric Dentist Do?

A Paediatric Dentist provides full dental treatments to children, and emphasizes on preventative dental care. Early intervention and proper oral hygiene practices can make a child much less likely to develop dental problems - such as cavities.

The doctor will spend a lot of time with your child and you, teaching you how to properly care for the teeth and gums. This dental education – at an early age – will remain for a lifetime, establishing regular, healthy dental habits such as flossing and proper tooth brushing.

Will my child be scared at the dental office?

Some adults have an exaggerated fear of seeing the dentists. Some children experience the same dread. A dental office can be a scary place for a child, with all of the specialized dental equipment and the sounds made by some of the dental machines.

However, the Paediatric Dentist knows how to deal with a frightened child, comforting them and relaxing them before proceeding with an exam or any treatment processes.

All procedures at the dental office will be done in a way tailored to the child’s needs and level of understanding. Furthermore our dental office is child friendly with a lot of fun activities for the children.

How often should my child see the paediatric dentist?

The American Academy of Paediatric recommends a dental check up at list twice a year for most children, beginning at your child s first birthday. Some children may need more frequent dental visits because of increased risk or tooth decay, unusual growth patterns or poor oral hygiene. We will discuss with the best appointment schedule for your child.

Why Are The Primary (Baby) Teeth So Important?

It is very important to maintain the health of the primary teeth. Neglected cavities can and frequently do lead to problems which affect developing permanent teeth. Primary teeth are important for
(1) proper chewing and eating,
(2) providing space for the permanent teeth and guiding them into the correct position, and
(3) permitting normal development of the jaw bones and muscles.

Primary teeth also affect the development of speech and add to an attractive appearance.

When do the teeth erupt in the mouth?

Children’s teeth begin forming before birth. Around 6 months, the first primary (or baby) teeth to erupt through the gums are the lower central incisors, followed closely by the upper central incisors. Although all 20 primary teeth usually appear by age 3, the pace and order of their eruption varies. Permanent teeth begin appearing around age 6, starting with the first molars and lower central incisors. This process continues until approximately age 21. Adults have 28 permanent teeth, or up to 32 including the third molars (or wisdom teeth).

Are Dental Radiographs (X-Rays) safe for my child?

Radiographs (X-Rays) are safe and important for your child's dental diagnostic process. Without them, certain dental conditions can and will be missed. Radiographs allow to diagnose and treat health conditions that cannot be detected during a clinical examination. In our office we are particularly careful to minimize the exposure of their patients to radiation. Lead body aprons and shields will protect your child.

Today’s equipment filters out unnecessary x-rays and restricts the x-ray beam to the area of interest. Digital films and proper shielding assure that your child receives a minimal amount of radiation exposure.

How Do I Prevent Cavities?

Good oral hygiene removes bacteria and the leftover food particles that combine to create cavities. For infants, use a wet gauze or clean washcloth to wipe the plaque from teeth and gums. Avoid putting your child to bed with a bottle filled with anything other than water.

For older children, brush their teeth at least twice a day. Also, watch the number of snacks containing sugar that you give your children. Visit the paediatric dentist every six months, beginning at your child’s first birthday.

Routine visits will start your child on a lifetime of good dental health. Your paediatric dentist may also recommend protective sealants or home fluoride treatments for your child. Sealants can be applied to your child’s molars to prevent decay on hard to clean surfaces.

Why are sealants recommended?

A sealant is a clear or shaded plastic material that is applied to the chewing surfaces (grooves) of the back teeth (premolars and molars), where four out of five cavities in children are found. This sealant acts as a barrier to food, plaque and acid, thus protecting the decay-prone areas of the teeth.

Is it important to have my child use fluoride?

Fluoride has been shown to be extremely beneficial to teeth. Fluoride should not be given to children under the age of six month.

What’s the Best Toothpaste for my Child?

Tooth brushing is one of the most important tasks for good oral health. Many toothpastes, and/or tooth polishes, however, can damage young smiles. They contain harsh abrasives, which can wear away young tooth enamel. When looking for toothpaste for your child, make sure to pick one that is recommended by the American Dental Association as shown on the box and tube. These toothpastes have undergone testing to insure they are safe to use.

If your child is too young or unable to spit out toothpaste, consider providing them with a fluoride free toothpaste, using no toothpaste, or using only a ‘’ pea size’’ amount of toothpaste

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (Early Childhood Caries)

One serious form of decay among young children is baby bottle tooth decay. This condition is caused by frequent and long exposures of an infant’s teeth to liquids that contain sugar. Among these liquids are milk (including breast milk), formula, fruit juice and other sweetened drinks.

Putting a baby to bed for a nap or at night with a bottle other than water can cause serious and rapid tooth decay. Sweet liquid pools around the child’s teeth giving plaque bacteria an opportunity to produce acids that attack tooth enamel. If you must give the baby a bottle as a comforter at bedtime, it should contain only water. If your child won't fall asleep without the bottle and its usual beverage, gradually dilute the bottle's contents with water over a period of two to three weeks.

After each feeding, wipe the baby’s gums and teeth with a damp washcloth or gauze pad to remove plaque. The easiest way to do this is to sit down, place the child’s head in your lap or lay the child on a dressing table or the floor. Whatever position you use, be sure you can see into the child’s mouth easily

Is it normal for my child to Grind His Teeth At Night?

Parents are often concerned about the nocturnal grinding of teeth (bruxism). Often, the first indication is the noise created by the child grinding on their teeth during sleep.

The majority of cases of paediatric bruxism do not require any treatment. If excessive wear of the teeth (attrition) is present, then a mouth guard (night guard) may be indicated. Most children outgrow bruxism. The grinding decreases between the ages 6-9 and children tend to stop grinding between ages 9-12.

When should my child stop thumb sucking

The earlier the better! A good age to stop the habit is the age of 3. If thumb sucking persists beyond the eruption of the permanent teeth can cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and tooth alignment. How intensely a child sucks on fingers or thumbs will determine whether or not dental problems may result. Children who rest their thumbs passively in their mouths are less likely to have difficulty than those who vigorously suck their thumbs.

Pacifiers are preferred and should be encouraged because they can be controlled and modified more easily than the thumb or finger habit. If you have concerns about thumb sucking or use of a pacifier, consult your paediatric dentist.

Tongue Piercing – Is it really Cool?

There are many risks involved with oral piercings, including chipped or cracked teeth, blood clots, blood poisoning, heart infections, brain abscess, nerve disorders (trigeminal neuralgia), receding gums or scar tissue. Your mouth contains millions of bacteria, and infection is a common complication of oral piercing. Your tongue could swell large enough to close off your airway!

Common symptoms after piercing include pain, swelling, infection, an increased flow of saliva and injuries to gum tissue. Difficult-to-control bleeding or nerve damage can result if a blood vessel or nerve bundle is in the path of the needle.